Friday, September 29, 2006

Letters From Eden

This entry was originally posted at Twice Bloomed Wisteria, my other site.

I've received my copy of Julie Zickefoose's book, Letters from Eden. It is part nature journal and part art book. I have been experiencing life through Julie's eyes since I found her blog through a National Public Radio podcast. She is a nature artist, writer, NPR commentator, mother, wife, bird watcher, and dog lover. Does everyone feel like they don't do enough, or am I the only one?

I was interested in Letters from Eden because I thought it would be a great Charlotte Mason inspired nature study book. The book is divided by seasons and is then further divided into stories about interacting with species and nature found during that season. Her writing is honest, many times humorous, and filled with great information. Even though Julie's seasons in Ohio don't exactly match my seasons in Mississippi, I am still enthralled with the book as a nature study resource and a beautiful coffee table book. The children and I will begin reading the book together in January so we can start at the beginning of the book move through the seasons. I have to confess that I have already started reading. I just couldn't help myself.

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